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East African Journal of Science and Technology is indexed in International Scientific Indexing (ISI). The Journal has Impact Factor Value of 2.671 based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2023-2024.

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Impact of Agriculture Practices on Poverty Reduction Case of Irrigation in Kirehe District of Rwanda


  • Hope KIRABO , Christophe MUPENZI



Girinka, Poverty alleviation, Agriculture Modernization


The major constraints to agricultural growth of Rwanda are population pressure coupled with the dominance of the use of traditional agricultural production technology, including traditional farm tools and farming practices. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of agriculture modernization on poverty alleviation in Rwanda case study of girinka program in kirehe district. The target population of the study was 355 respondents including 45 local leaders, 24 agronomist as technicians in charges of cows health 286 households benefited from Girinka program in Kirehe district. It was also indicated that there was a high degree of positive correlation between the poverty alleviation and Girinka Program as it was proved by Karl Pearson coefficient correlation (r) which was 0.881. This also implies that Girinka Program contributed in poverty alleviation positively and at high level. The results of this study also show that after getting the Girinka program cow, its beneficiaries improved their livelihoods and results revealed that the majority of respondents indicated that the Girinka program had affected them positively as shown that 98.5% of respondent improved their livelihoods through Girinka program. The Government of Rwanda and NGOs that deal with climate resilience are recommended to teach Girinka program beneficiaries about the role of biogas energy use and support financially those who cannot afford its start-up cost.




How to Cite

Hope KIRABO , Christophe MUPENZI. (2020). Impact of Agriculture Practices on Poverty Reduction Case of Irrigation in Kirehe District of Rwanda. East African Journal of Science and Technology, 11(11).