Impact Factor Information

East African Journal of Science and Technology is indexed in International Scientific Indexing (ISI). The Journal has Impact Factor Value of 2.671 based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2023-2024.

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Entrepreneurship as a driving tool for small-scale businesses creation in Rwanda (case of the 12thritf expo)


  • Joyce MUKARUGWIZA Institute Polytechnique de Byumba (IPB), Rwanda



Entrepreneurship, Business creation, Employment, Innovation


This article focuses on entrepreneurship as a driving tool in business creation in Rwanda. The researcher considered the Rwanda 12th international trade fair at Gikondo expo. Kigali, as a case study, where by entrepreneurs were presenting their products. The objective of this study was to find out the extent to which entrepreneurship contributes to the creation of new business and to assess the factors that influence entrepreneurs to create new business ventures. In this article, literature on entrepreneurship was reviewed and analysed through a document analysis especially related to the Rwandan context. Moreover, the research revealed that entrepreneurs knowingly, joined business because of entrepreneurial concept, which includes unemployment, job opportunities, innovativeness, technology, internal and external competition, economic growth, and then population growth of Rwanda, in addition to the support provided by the Private Sector Federation (PSF).




How to Cite

MUKARUGWIZA, J. (2014). Entrepreneurship as a driving tool for small-scale businesses creation in Rwanda (case of the 12thritf expo) . East African Journal of Science and Technology, 4(4).


