Impact Factor Information

East African Journal of Science and Technology is indexed in International Scientific Indexing (ISI). The Journal has Impact Factor Value of 2.671 based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2023-2024.

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The Role of Employee Motivation in Organisational Performance: The case of SULFO Rwanda Industry


  • Fausta Nyakusinga Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali, P.O. Box6392 Kigali, Rwanda



Employee, Employee Motivation, Organisation, Organisational Performance


This study is about the role of employee motivation in organizational performance with reference to
SULFO Rwanda Industry. The main objective of this study was to find out whether employee motivation
leads to organizational performance. The study adopted a qualitative and quantitative method of data
collection using questionnaires, documentation and observation. Observation was used to supplement on the information got through the first two instruments. Data analysis and interpretations were based on the objectives, research questions and variables identified in the study. A motivated employee is a loyal employee and to be loyal implies that the employee supports the actions and objectives of the firm. The findings revealed that there is a relationship between motivation and organizational performance at SULFO Rwanda Industries, where the highly motivated employees are the high performers in the organization. The results of the study, which were based on the findings, came out with recommendations that some of employees of SULFO need training for sustaining good performance within the organization.




How to Cite

Nyakusinga , F. (2014). The Role of Employee Motivation in Organisational Performance: The case of SULFO Rwanda Industry. East African Journal of Science and Technology, 4(4).


